Nghiên cứu Khoa học

A Proposal of Closed-Loop CDIO Model to Improve the Startup Ability of EEE’s Students in Duy Tan University

  • 14/03/2019
  • Nghiên cứu Khoa học

Binh D HA, Truong V TRUONG, Bao N LE

Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam


Due to a population of 90 million and a lot of young people, approximately 40 percent of whom are less than 25 years old, Vietnam is the third largest market in Southeast Asia and startup is being encouraged by Vietnam government nowadays. The students in the Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) majors have ability to create some products through CDIO project-based learning for startup. However, they lack of continuous innovation ability to achieve startup effectiveness. During implementing the CDIO framework in our university, we have accumulatedsomeexperience to solve this problem and obtained some positive results that will be presented in this paper.

The first contribution is a proposal of teaching and learning framework for improving startup ability, namely Closed-Loop CDIO based on the conventional CDIO model. After Operation stage, the students are encouraged and trained to continue conceive a new idea to improve or to create a new product based on the previous one. The improving issues include the functions, specifications, cost, maintenance, etc. The Closed-Loop CDIOframework enables us to improve the continuous innovation ability of EEE’s students for enhancing the competitive ability of their products. In this proposed model, we emphasis the nonstop innovation to meet the consumer’s requirements.

The second contribution of this paper is the evaluation of this proposed framework based on the accepted products on the market. We statistically investigated after five years of this framework implementation in our faculty from 2013-2014 to 2017-2018 and the results confirmed the effectiveness of this considered model.In order to clarify the efficiency of this framework, we also present one real case, i.e., smart home products. In that case, we describe the detail process of applying of Closed-Loop CDIOframework to enhance startup ability based on smart home products. We will discuss more detail about our works to solve these problems in full paper.

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