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[1] Nguyen T.S., Hoang N.H., & HussainM.A. (2018). Tracking error plus damping injection control of non-minimum phase processes. IFAC-PapersOnLine. accepted.
[2] Hoang Ngoc Ha and Le Phuong Quyen (2018). A passivity approach to proportional controller design. Journal of Science & Technology, Duy Tan University, to appear.
[3] NguyenT.S., Hoang N.H., & Hussain M.A. (2018). Feedback passivation plus tracking-error-based multivariable control for a class of free-radical polymerization reactors. International Journal of Control, to appear.
[4] Thuan C.Nguyen and Ha N. Hoang(2017). A thermodynamic Lyapunov approach to the stability analysis of a nonlinear irreversible process having multiplicity.ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering (AJChE Journal), 17(1):8-21.
[5] Hoang N. Ha,Dochain D., Couenne F. and Le Gorrec Y (2017). Dissipative pseudo Hamiltonian realization of chemical systems using irreversible thermodynamics. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 23(2):135-155.